In 2017, Minister Dallas responded to a profound and divine calling, giving rise to Servant Phinsee International Ministries—a unique organization founded on a groundbreaking approach to direct service ministry. We take pride in our identity as a ‘No Red Tape Ministry,’ dedicated to delivering ministry directly to the community, transcending the conventional bureaucracy and politics often entwined with traditional church structures. While we hold deep respect for the traditions of the established church, we remain attuned to the evolving needs of the younger generation we are committed to serving and supporting.

At the heart of our ministry is a resolute commitment to youth and young adults, setting us apart from the physical constraints of traditional brick-and-mortar churches. We fervently believe in expanding the reach of our ministry beyond the physical confines of the church, the four walls of the church to reaching the farthest corners of the Earth. This entails active engagement with communities, schools, and a diverse array of groups, fostering connections that are both meaningful and far-reaching. The integration of technology into our ministry enables us to extend our reach globally, ensuring that we continue to build a thriving community open to youth and young adults across America.

Our central mission is the creation of a secure and nurturing environment where young individuals can explore and deepen their faith, gain profound insights into God, and navigate their beliefs within our ever-changing society. Our ministry is thoughtfully designed to be inclusive and welcoming, aligning with the unique needs and aspirations of young people.

Crucially, we operate independently from local congregations while remaining committed to active collaboration with both faith-based and community organizations. Our intention is not to supplant local church youth and young adult ministries but to serve as a valuable source of support and partnership for these essential programs.

At Servant Phinsee International Ministries, our core focus centers on ministering to youth and young adults, encompassing various areas such as youth engagement, young adult support, and the establishment of a technology hub.

 In July 2023, Minister Dallas introduced Servant Phinsee Sports as a subdivision within the ministry, uniting a community of faith-based youth and young adult student athletes who share a profound love for both God and sports.

As we look forward to the second quarter of 2024, an exciting development lies on the horizon: the launch of our Esports program, designed to engage and empower youth in a distinctive way, providing opportunities for growth and development for students who might otherwise be overlooked.



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Nurturing the Next
Generation of Leaders