Servant Phinsee Sports

A community of Youth/Young Adult Faith-Based believers who love God and sports. 🏀 ⚽️ 🏈 ⛳️ 🎾 🏋️‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏊‍♀️ 🏒 🥊

Servant Phinsee Sports, a dynamic athletic arm of Servant Phinsee International Ministries, is dedicated to engaging student athletes who hold faith dear, by creating nurturing environments that extend beyond the traditional church confines. These spaces are thoughtfully established within educational and recreational settings, offering a sanctuary of truth, safety, and worship.

Recognizing the challenge that demanding schedules pose to Sunday worship participation, we’ve innovatively crafted additional opportunities for these student athletes. This initiative fosters a vibrant community, enabling connections with fellow faith-oriented peers, thereby enriching their spiritual journey alongside their athletic endeavors.

Minister Dallas passionately advocates for a transformation among student athletes, encouraging them to evolve into faith-based Scholar Athletes. This vision emphasizes excellence not only in sports but also in spiritual growth and academic achievement.

With a steadfast commitment to disciple-making, Minister Dallas tirelessly inspires and equips our youth and young adults. They are encouraged to live out their faith boldly, sharing the gospel and personal testimonies with their peers. “Who better than you to be a witness?” Minister Dallas often says, highlighting the unique position student athletes have to influence their teams positively. Through Servant Phinsee Sports, we are on a mission to mold individuals who excel in their sports, academics, and spiritual lives, making a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.

Ministry Moments

Rainbow P.U.S.H. Sports

Minister Dallas is a supporter of  Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. and his work with leading Rainbow PUSH Sports Division.

Check out their website:

For Student Athletes



Youth sports play a vital role in encouraging physical, social and emotional growth of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches and officials to encourage their youth players to embrace the values of good sportsmanship, discipline and character development.

Be a good sport (win or lose), be honest, fair and always show good sportsmanship to all coaches, players, officials and fans.

Learn the value of commitment to the team.  Put personal goals aside for the betterment of the team.

Show courtesy and respect to all teammates, parents, opponents and coaches.

Realize that athletic contests, including practice sessions are educational experiences and opportunities.

Players will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct. Players will not engage in rude behavior on or off the court.

Players will treat everyone, including coaches, parents, players and officials with respect regardless of race, creed, color, nationality or gender.

Have FUN!


Parents are vital to the development of young athletes. Whether sitting in the stands or helping out as a volunteer, parents must set a positive example. Parents and adults involved in youth sports should be models of good sportsmanship and lead by example on and off the court. Give constructive criticism during a private moment, never in front of other parents, players, officials, spectators, etc.

Support your coach, and refrain from excessive “sideline coaching” from the stands. Refrain from using profanity.

Abide by doctor’s decision in all matters of players health and injuries, and physical ability to play.

Accept the decisions of officials on the court as being fair and called to the best ability of the officials. Parents must stay off the court and remain under control in order to set a good example for players and other spectators.

Do not criticize an opposing team, its players, fans, coaches or team, by words or gestures.

Support the coaches, players and officials and help teach the value of commitment to the teams, sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play.

Inappropriate behavior is cause for immediate ejection from the stands. Repeat offenses will result in being barred from future games and league sponsored activities.

Parents will not encourage their child, or any other person, to engage in unsportsmanslike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participants, officials or any other attendee.

Any complaints or issues from parents/guardians will be addressed within (24-48) hours. The tensions and emotions are extremely high especially after a (game, practice, etc…) Therefore, please allow a day or 2 to pass before expressing your thoughts and concerns to any staff member. This act saves any public outbursts/feuds which is not permitted with Servant Phinsee Sports.

Please notify a staff member if you & your child will be absent from any basketball activity. Coaches need to know in advance so they can plan accordingly.

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Generation of Leaders